Thursday, April 12, 2012


This week, on my journey to explore Atlanta for pizza, my Aunt and I went to Farmburger. I know this is not a pizza place, but neither of us were in the mood to eat pizza and I have always wanted to try Farmburger. I have heard good things and I can always appreciate a great tasting burger.
Farmburger has two locations in Atlanta. My aunt and I went to Farmburger in Decatur. Since it was Easter everyone was probably eating at home and we got the benefit of having no line.
The restaurant has a very friendly atmosphere. You walk up to the register to order your food and it is then brought over to you. The menu allows for a very customizable burger with everything from house pickles to gruyere. Some toppings are free while the more exclusive toppings range from $1 to $2. The extra price for some of the toppings is in addition to the flat cost of $6.50 for the burger itself. I was too hungry to think about what I wanted on my burger so I decided to get one of Farmburger’s pre-customized burgers. I got “The Farmburger” with a side of sweet potato fries and a drink. I got a sweet tea which tasted surprisingly good.
The burger came and I could barely wait to eat it. The meat was still sizzling from being on the grill. Farmburger takes pride in that their burgers are grass-fed, antibiotic and hormone free, locally raised, ground fresh, and made in house. The fact of the matter is that they should take pride. Their burgers are DELICIOUS! I think I ate the burger in what seemed like 3 seconds because I could not believe it was gone. “The Farmburger” has white cheddar cheese, caramelized onions, bacon, and Farmburger sauce. All the toppings were so tasty and also very fresh. One of the greatest things about the Farmburger burger is that it manages to smell good and taste good without being covered in grease. Each bite is juicy and flavorful, but afterwards I don’t get that gross feeling I get after eating Five Guys. The sweet potato fries were also amazing. I always prefer to have sweet potato fries over regular French fries. The fries had a crispy outside with steaming potato goodness inside. Those I ate with some restraint because I wanted them to last as long as possible.

1 comment:

  1. Alex, I was wondering if you could sustain the pizza theme. I'm so happy you got to experience Farm Burger, one of my favorite places in Decatur. I, too, have noticed the absence of that gross feeling after eating one of their burgers. Next time you will have to slow down and enjoy!
